• Students should reach school by 7.00 am. Late comers will not be allowed to enter.
  • The bell before the assembly is a signal for the students to go to the assembly. As soon as they are back in their classes, the students should get their books and notebooks ready for the first period. They should also maintain perfect discipline.
  • English must be the only language of communication inside school premises.
  • Shouting or whistling is not allowed in or around school building.
  • Other than textbooks or library books, no books, magazines or papers should be brought to the school without prior permission of the principal.
  • School as a matter of policy discourages private tuitions.
  • Students must use of the words 'Please' and 'Thank You' on all appropriate occasions.
  • Students must come to school in neat and clean uniform only. This rule applies even when they come to school for any purpose other than attending classes of even after school hours.
  • Students should always walk in a queue using left side of the staircase.
  • Students must not bring any valuable or expensive materials to school. School will not be responsible for the loss of the same. Mobile phones are not permitted in the school.
  • Students must abide by the rules and regulations to maintain the decorum of the school.
  • Care must be taken of the school property and no one is allowed to damage the school furniture, walls, electricity gadgets etc. or any article belonging to others. If any damage is done to the school property concerned student will have to bare the fine and it is an offence.
  • No student should bring any weapon or sharp articles to school.
  • No student is allowed to enter/come to school on motorcycle or scooter.
  • Students coming to school by bicycle should refrain from double or triple riding.
  • Students must use of the words 'Please' and 'Thank You' on all appropriate occasions.
  • Students who come under the care of guardiance / riksha pullers / van should never leave the school before they arrive to take them back. If delay, they should report to the school office.
  • Those who commute alone must never roam around on the way but return to home without delay.
  • Students should be very polite wherever they go.
  • Use of abusive language / passing filthy or vulgar comments will invite stem action immediately.
  • All students should greet their teachers whenever they meet them.
  • The school reserves the right to terminate any student whose progress in study is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is a bad example for other children.
  • All school appointees should wear their respective badges.